Version 1.8.9 - 12th November 2020

In the famous words of Marie Kondo, “Does it bring joy”, we have been doing a lot of tidying up in our dashboard to make it easier for our users to quickly find what they need and taking away unnecessary steps to simplify the user experience.

Starting with…

Merging Users & Clusters page: Now you will be able to add new users, manage permission levels and create new clusters/ sub clusters from one page. Thus getting a global view of your team in one space.


User Story Card Insights Tab: We have spruced up the design of the Insights Tab inside the User Story cards. And not by changing tabs you can go directly in the the edit functionalities as well.

Feedback Entry Design now shows context attributes( Incase you forgot what that means, you can see more info here ). This means you will be able to see them instantly as you see your feedback coming in.


When you peak inside the question types you will find fresh new graphics to showcase all the available question types.

Don’t forgot the question types with a % symbol next to them are counted towards your Satisfaction Ratio.


FQL Search by Owner: When you assign feedback (manually or automatically) to different members of your team, they are able to see this feedback in their Feedback Tab in the dashboard. However in the past there was no way to search for all the feedback that belong to one particular user. Well now you can, just click the search button and look for Owner in the dropdown menu.



We also worked on some custom integrations for our B2B customers to help them retrieve contextualised data. If your company is also looking for ways to integrate your operational data with incoming feedback right into your feedier dashboard then get in touch with our team to learn more.





Made with love by the team