Version 1.9.19 - 23rd April 2021

This week we are launching some exciting new features !! All we delved deeper into reporting capabilities needed by you it became apparent that you needed a more flexible and comprehensive reporting tool that allowed you to create custom reports with the ability to define what you are measuring over time and then be able to break that data down by attributes as well. Hence we created the Activity Chart.

Activity Chart:



This powerful tool allows you to customise the X axis between the volume of Feedback, Satisfaction Ratio or a specific Question Answer. Then this is displayed over time on the Y axis.

No if you want to breakdown this data further using the Dropdown in the top right corner you can select specific attributes to break this down by. For the example below it shows different departments but this can be used for any context attribute you have collected with your feedback.



Custom Build Reports:

When creating Reports from the Insights dashboard now you have the option of building custom reports where you can choose whether you would like to add an existing Question Answer or the newly launched Activity Chart. You can then save these reports for easy access later using the Save Report Button on top or use the Clear all option to start a fresh new report.

Made with love by the team