Version 1.9.26 - 24th June 2021

Here at Feedier we have changed our development process to longer sprints. So you will see less release notes but each one will be filled with more exciting updates. So let’s begin:

Push Pages get an upgrade: We have added quite a few different functionalities to the push to make them more powerful. So Pushes Report is located on the Insights page and it shows you all the Emails and SMS campaigns you sent to different individuals.

Editing abilities:

  • Editing Target Name - Edit the email address or phone number of a push even after it’s been scheduled.

  • Editing Context Attributes - If you would like edit the context attribute attached to the push .

Multi Select:

  • Also we added the ability to multi select pushes so you an apply the actions above to multiple pushes


Blocking Pushes:

  • If you have a feedier custom integration that allows you to schedule pushes. Then you will be able to block certain pushes and unblock them as needed. This can only be done one at a time.

PDF report Improvement: We have added some new features to the PDF report and flow. So now when you create a PDF report you have 2 options to choose from.

  1. Pre-filled report - Depending on the page you are Feedier will create a report using the Feedback data you have on that page or the search filter you have applied.

  2. Blank Report - Empty report to start a custom report from scratch.

We also added Correlation Report in the PDF report:

Activity Chart Improvements:


We have added better functionality in the Question Answer dropdown. So now you can select multiple question to merge the data and create a report with the average of all the selected questions. Note that the question type must be the same for this to work and have the same value i.e Rating Slider 1-5 or 1-10 etc.



Lots more updates coming in a few weeks


Thanks -Team Feedier

Made with love by the team