Version 1.10.9 - 9th December 2021

This week we have some exciting new updates:


New Question Type is Introduced: Numeric Sum Question type has just been added to the platform.

Numeric Sum allows ask yours respondents to divide a numerical value across a set of different options to a specific total sum that is pre-defined by you. For example if you would like to know out of 24 hours/ day how many hours do they spend on Reading, Eating, Sleeping, Working and Free time. Then the respondent can answer bu diving up the 24 hours into each of these options i.s 1 hour reading, 8 hours sleeping, 8h working, 3 hours eating.

The units can be used for % so out of 100% how much time do you spend on x.y,z.

You will define the Total Sum that all the options must equal to and also you can define the slider interval values so every time the respondent moves the slider how much does the numbers increase or decrease by.

Satisfaction Ratio Design has been updated:

Also updated in the PDF report

Sensitive Attributes:

We have updated our Sensitive attribute functionality. When you are on the attribute page and you mark the attribute as Sensitive. This will be hidden from this team completely to all User Roles( Admin, Editor, Viewer & Restricted Viewer). This attribute will still stay attached to the feedback but will be hidden in reporting and on the frontend.


Made with love by the team