Version 1.10.18 - 6th June 2022

A long awaited and big release for us this month. We have been working hard on launching an exciting and powerful new Benchmarking Module.

Benchmarking allows you to compare to sets of Data and visualise them in Graphs to be able to understand the insights behind the data. In Feedier we have a number of question types and variety of Feedback data that can be benchmark and now we have the capability to do it !


For now we are starting with 2 KPI’s that you can measure, NPS question type & the Satisfaction Ratio.

For each question question there are 3 graph types available:


Graph type 1

This type of graph allows you to compare two Queries with each other and create a stacked bar graph to see the comparison. This is used for comparing any 2 queries for a simple 1 vs 1 comparison.

NPS Graph Type 1

Graph Type 2:

This graph type allows you to breakdown a Query based on 3 options: attributes values, teams or forms. This create a simpler graph to Graph type 1 but with the ability to stack up to to 10 options. This is useful when comparing different attribute values, forms or teams.

Graph Type 3:

This graph type allows you to measure any 2 queries(similar to graph type 1) but over a specific time period. This create a Line graph for the time period selected. This option is only available for 2 Queries. This is useful when seeing how the values change over time compared to each other.

To be able to access this new benchmarking feature, you will need to go into a PDF report and choose Benchmarking report in the Data source options here:

Once selected, you can choose the KPI you are benchmarking and then select Questions in the dropdown if NPS or go directly to building queries if benchmarking the Satisfaction Ratio KPI.

Then select a query that you are trying to measure and compare it with either another Query (with or without Time period) or Breakdown that Query By different surveys, teams or attributes.

In the near future we will be adding other KPIs such as Rating Sliders, Rating Table, Choices and more to allow you to Benchmark even more feedback data.


Thanks -Team Feedier









Made with love by the team