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How to Add Users to BuddyPress Groups in Bulk

In order to add users in bulk to BuddyPress groups, you will need to first install the free BuddyPress Bulk Add Users plugin.

Upon installing the plugin, navigate to the “Users” section within the WordPress dashboard

Within the “Bulk Actions” select “Add to BP Group”.

Next, bulk select the users that you want to add to the Group.

Click on the “Apply” button and on the popup rendered, fill in the Group ID to which you want to add the selected users.

You can find your Group ID upon accessing the Groups section within your WordPress dashboard and carry out the following:

  • Click on the Group you wish to add the users

  • Check on the Group URL within the browser. The URL will be of the format: yourdomain/wp-admin/admin.php?page=bp-groups&gid=17&action=edit

  • Within the URL identify the value in “gid= “. This is the group ID

In the above URL, the Group ID is 17.

Upon filling in the Group ID, click on the OK button.

Once this is done, the users you selected should now be added to the Group.



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