Thanks for using Woffice! If you have any issue or question, feel free to open a ticket at

Update to 2.8.2

Woffice 2.8.2 has been released on April the 22nd of 2019. Please read carefully the instructions to do the update if you have an older version. 

The changes are detailed here: 


  • All Woffice Extensions have been moved to a plugin called "Woffice Core". Which means that until this plugin is enabled, you will not have any extension enabled. You will get a notice to install it on your Dashboard. You can also install it from this screen: 

    If you're running Woffice on a WordPress multisite setup, this page will not be accessible, you can find the plugin in woffice/inc/plugins/ Simply install it from the Plugins > Add New > Upload screen. 

  • We changed the default Calendar to our new Woffice Event extension, see: Woffice Event Extension for details. We have many improvements coming, any idea is more than welcome. 

Before updating:

  • Use the Unyson Backup extension (or any similar plugin) and create a "Full Backup".  

How to update: 

If you have any issue, you can rollback any Woffice version, from this page: 

Just replace the wp-content/themes/woffice folder on your server with the package you download. You can also delete wp-content/plugins/woffice-core.

If you have any issue or question, feel free to open a ticket at